Chenarestan... In the shade of plane trees

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Are Chenars of Iran Invisible …!?

If in European sources, the history of art, architecture or philosophy starts with Greece or Rome, it is their choice….. We are used to it!

But if it comes to animals and plants, how can one limit the search within the cultural or political borders? Particularly on a subject like oriental plane tree, Chenar. Which is so big in size, … that is hard to miss!

It has probably become a habit in Europe, not to look at Asia or Middle East, even when it comes to plants. Otherwise, at least in case of Chenar, there is no need for a team of scientists to look for it all around the world. Chenar is visible in many pictures of many cities on TV everyday. We are supposed to believe that we are living in a global village in terms of communication.

But it is sad for our era, to see in many well known websites and sources some experts close their eyes. The reason I say that, is my search in a few German websites, where I didn’t see any mention of Chenar in countries like Turkey and Iran.

Anyway, I am going to present the interesting facts about Chenar in the German sources too. --Siamak D. Ahi

The piece below is from and I liked it because of some old medical use of different parts of Chenar:

The botanic names of Chenar literally indicate the “oriental” and “occidental”; Platanus orientalis and Platanus occidentalis.

The usual plane tree grows with us (i.e. Germany) as road-side tree, in gardens and parks.

The plane tree is not used in the medicine anymore. But it in the past it was used in different ways, such as:
the fruits of the plane trees, soaked in wine was used for snake bites and scorpion passes;
the leafs and the crust for inflammations,
the leafs for eye diseases,
the crust also for toothache.


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